
“I was thoroughly impressed by Mark's skill in facilitating difficult and personal information to be shared in a safe and supportive environment. The exercises he had prepared were excellent. I went away with a greater understanding of the complexity of class and how it impacts on cohesion”

- Jeni Vine, Sheffield Cohesion Advisory Group

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Exploring Whiteness - Developing Awareness Together

If you are curious about being white and exploring how 'whiteness' impacts race dynamics within your family, relationships, community or organisation then please sign up for this online workshop. Spaces are limited and offered to individuals who identify as being white.

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Mind the gap

What creates the emotional ‘gap’ many white people experience when the history of colonialism and racism are raised? Why do so many of us feel the need to quickly create distance through politically abstract comments, comparisons or simply deem our colonial past to be no longer relevant?

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Building Stronger Communities Through Understanding Class

Would you like to deal more skilfully with social class and classism in your organisation, social action group, work place and wider community? Class dynamics are deep-rooted in Britain, we need to talk about it and include everyone in order to organise effectively.

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Exploring Social Class in Sheffield

This was April 2018 – Exploring class dynamics in the UK and its impact on our communities including inequality and how we connect/disconnect from each other.

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